Monday, November 07, 2005

You Will

“Jan Schakowsky told me about a recent visit she had made to the White House with a congressional delegation. On her way out, she said, President Bush noticed her “obama” button. “He jumped back, almost literally,” she said. “And I knew what he was thinking. So I reassured him it was Obama, with a ‘b.’ And I explained who he was. The President said, ‘Well, I don’t know him.’ So I just said, ‘You will.’ ”

--William Finnegan, The New Yorker

The one and only Barack Obama was in New Jersey this weekend stumping for Jon Corzine. Roxey and I agreed that if Barack runs for president in 2008, we’re quitting out jobs and joining his campaign.

In other news, Roxey said she’d “bet money” that Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm will run for president in 2008, after seeing her speak at Rosa Parks’ funeral. All I have to say is that the dems have some pretty great people out there and if the best they can do is Hillary Clinton, who will never win, then shame on them.

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