Thursday, March 16, 2006

Poor Care Bear

My friend Carol is one of my few friends who is entirely independent of any friend group, and since I didn't let her know about my mom, and no one else knew to call her, she didn't know and took my comment about stopping the blog last week seriously. I thought a lot of stuff the first week after I lost my mom, including, but not limited to, quitting my job, getting a tattoo, running off to Africa, and moving to New York. Sorry, C$, for the scare. I'm not quitting the blog.

Carol and I hit Taro tonight for dinner - it was her first time and she had the shrimp in walnut sauce at my goading. It was great, as usual, though the coconut creme brulee was disappointing and I think next time I'll return to the deep friend banana cheesecake (awesome).

Anyway, I'm still thinking about getting a tattoo. Suggestions are welcome, though I've already had the Steve-O thumbs up on your back idea tossed at me and that's a negatory.

Last comment - Eric Asimov from The Times has started a blog called "The Pour" and it's all about drinking wine, beer and spirits. As Ernestine Anderson would say, "my kind of man." Check it out.

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