Friday, May 06, 2005

And you thought your apartment was small....

Sorry for the posting delinquency this morning - I wasn't doing work or anything. The fellow law slaves and I were discussing the beauty of Jennifer Connelly and the pros and cons of pornography. This was followed by a continuing game of chess with my boss (who is still kicking my ass). My life is so hard.

Phil frequently spouts the virtues of Curbed, a New York real estate blog. It's relatively interesting, although less so if you don't live and die by the NYC real estate market. Annnnyyywaaayy, today on Curbed, they linked to this awesome site called Apartment Therapy where they are having a smallest, coolest apartment contest. These places range in size from 186 sq/ft to 485 sq/ft. It is completely amazing what some people have managed to do with that miniscule space.

I personally think my two favorites are Paul & Robert. Paul has a really eclectic style, although he dropped the ball on the sleeping area. Robert's also has a cosmopolitan style, although I think has more space and he works better with the architecture of his apartment, which, by the by, is really lovely.

Hillary is lacking - girlfriend looks like she rolled on over to IKEA and bought one of everything. Her place is way too college dorm room. And Patrick, who's in second place, is guilty of the same sin, except that he has more money and therefore went to Crate & Barrell.

More from me after lunch - Project Greenlight was really interesting last night and I have some stuff to say about it.

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